Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

iklan: tourjogja.com : Yogyakarta Tourism Guide

Nama: Tour Jogja
email: info.tourjogja@gmail.com
Judul iklan: tourjogja.com : Yogyakarta Tourism Guide
Keterangan: Tourjogja.com is your comprehensive resource for Jogja tourism information. We proudly propose the information needed to arrange your holiday in Jogja. Tourjogja.com strives to present the perfect and accurate information about Jogja tourism. You can be a part of Jogja in a unique ways through Tourjogja.com, because you can find lots of stories in a different section such as portrait of Jogja, heritage, the nature, rich culture and local culinary. Running offer time, we will add information about hotels, travels, cafes, restaurants and other unique tourism in Jogja.
Category: Travel
Website (URL): http://www.tourjogja.com
Visitor Ip:

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