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Rabu, 10 Desember 2008
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CV.GEMILANG COMMUNICATION MENJUAL Alat Survey, Theodolite, Compass, GPS, Altimeter, Planimeter, Scriber, Lase, Disto Meter, Rangefinder, Binocular, Palu Geologi, Rambu Ukur : Telp 021-71443296 email : zteguh@yahoo.co.id Gps garmin, Gps Magellan, Gps Tomtom Gps Garmin, Garmin Gps, Gps murah, Jual gps, Jual gps garmin, Gps 60csx, Gps 76csx, Gps etrex vista hcx, Gps Rino 530 HCx, Gps MagellanTriton 400, Gps Magellan Triton 500, Gps Magellan Triton 1500, Gps magellan Triton 2000 gps colorado 300, Gps 76csxi, Gps Versi Indonesia, Gps murah, Garmin murah Jual Gps Garmin Handheld Gps eTrex yellow, Gps etrex h, Gps etrex Summit, Gps etrex Legend, Gps etrex legend cx, Gps etrex vista, gps etrex vista hcx, gps 60i, gpsmap 60i, gpsmap 60 cx, gpsmap 60 csx, gps 76, gpsmap 76 S, gpsmap 76 cx, gpsmap 76 csx, gps Rino 120, gps Rino 130, gps Rino 530 hcx, gps 128 Jual garmin fishfinder marine : Fishfinder 160 Ci, fishfinder 400 C jual garmin gps, Gps mobile automotiv boat, garmin gpsmap 276c, gps Quest, gps Nuvi 610, iQue m5, garmin gps bluetooth 10x, gps 152i –gpsmap 178c sounder, gps 298C sounder, gpsmap 96, gpsmap 96c, gpsmap 296c, gps 18 pc –gps 18 usb –gps 25 hvs –gps 35 pc –gps 35 usb Jual accesories gps garmin, Garmin Accessories, handlebar mount eTrex, handlebar Global, handlebar mount 60, handlebar mount 76, data cable 12/ 60/ 76, kabel data etrex, Kabel data + cirgarete lighter etrex, kabel data cirgarete lighter 12/ 60/ 76, automount etrex, automount 12, automount 60 , automount 76, marine mount 60, marine mount 76, antenna ga-25 bnc , antenna ga-25 mcx, antenna ga-26, antenna GA-27, antenna GA-29, Antenna Starnav. jual gps mapping, gps geodetik Jual gps mapping dan gps geodetick: jual gps geodetic : South gps Star S82, gps Spectra EPOCH 10 L1 gps system. South gps 9600 1 frequency jual gps mapping :gps trimble juno st, gps trimble Geoexplorer xJual gps mapping dan gps geodetick: jual gps geodetic : South gps Star S82, gps Spectra EPOCH 10 L1 gps system, South gps 9600 1 frequency jual gps mapping :gps trimble juno st, gps trimble Geoexplorer xm, gps trimble GeoExplorer xh, gps thales mobile mapper pro, gps thales proMark 3 Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic level, Waterpass GEOsurvey menjual Berbagai macam Alat ukur, Alat survey dengan Harga bersaing dan bergaransi, Jual Alat ukur, Merk yang kami pasarkan Sbb : Nikon, Sokkia, Topcon, Horizon, South, Leica, Suunto, Brunton, Estwing, Jual Digital theodolite, Digital theodolite Nikon, digital theodolite Topcon, digital theodolite sokkia, digital theodolite horizon, digital theodolite south Jual digital theodolite : digital theodolite Nikon, digital theodolite sokkia, digital theodolite Topcon, digital theodolite horizon, digital theodolite south digital theodolite topcon dt-202L, digital theodolite topcon dt-205L, digital theodolite topcon dt-207L, digital theodolite topcon dt-209L, digital theodolite Nikon NE-100, digital theodolite Nikon NE-101, digital theodolite Nikon NE-102, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-210, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-510, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-510, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-610, digital theodolite Horizon ET-1002, digital theodolite Horizon ET-1005 Kami menjual berbagai Merk Total Station : Total station Nikon, Total station Sokkia, Total station Topcon, Total station Horizon, Total station South Total station topcon GTS-233N, total station topcon GTS-235N, total station topcon GTS-236N, total station topcon GTS-239N, total station topcon GTS-105N, total station topcon Nikon DTM-522, total station nikon DTM-532, total station nikon DTM-352, total station nikon DTM-362, total station Sokkia Set-210, total station Sokkia Set-310, total station Sokkia Set-510, total station Sokkia Set-610, total station Horizon HTS-352, total station horizon HTS-355, total station horizon HTS-322, total station horizon HTS-325 Jual alat untuk mengukur ketinggian, alat ukur untuk mngengetahui beda tinggi yaitu : automatic level, waterpass Nikon, waterpass, automatic level Nikon, automatic level, waterpass Sokkia, automatic level, waterpass Topcon, automatic level, waterpass Horizon, automatic level, waterpass South automatic level, waterpassl Topcon ATG-1, automatic level, waterpass Topcon ATG-3, automatic level, waterpass Topcon ATG-4, automatic level, waterpass Topcon ATG-6, Nikon automatic level, waterpass AP-8, automatic level, waterpass Nikon AC-2S, automatic level, waterpass Nikon AX-2S, automatic level, waterpass sokkia C320 - B1, automatic level, waterpass Sokkia B20, automatic level, waterpass Sokkial C330, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 2024, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 2028, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 2032, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 4032 alat survey, surveying tools, instruments surveying, alat geologi, geologist tools jual kompas suunto : suunto compass KB-14, kompas suunto KB-14 360R, compass KB-20, kompas kb-20, suunto tandem 360PC, 360R - clinometer PM5/ 360PC, clinometers pm5/ 360pc.Jual kompas brunton 5006, kompas brunton 5008, kompas brunton 5010, compass brunton 5006, compass brunton 5008 kami juga jual : gps thales mobile mapper pro, thales promark III, palu eastwing , palu geologi (pipih/ runcing), loupe rouper , leica distometer measuring wheel, sokkia digital planimeter – anemometer, measuring tape, digital camera nikon coolpix L14, Camera digital nikon Coolpix L6, tajima slant 100, perahu karet rubber boat AVON type W 465, binocular/ teropong NIKON 7×50 (with compass), Binoculars nikon7×50 CFWP, digital planimeter kp-90N , digital grounding.tester kyoritsu.celestron powerSeeker 80 EQ, telescop, celestron -AstroMaster 90 EQ, handycam Sony DCR-HC62E, handycam Sony DCR-SR42E 30 GB, bushnell PinSeeker 1500 Laser Golf, handyCam SONY DCR-HC28E total station, theodolite, Level, binoculars, kompas, clinometer, Altimeter, suunto tandem dan Alat-alat geologi, curah hujan Nylex 1000, gps magellan, gps south, gps Leica, gps thales, Alat survey-Topcon , Horizon. nikon, sokkia, compass Suunto.kompas suunto, gps Spectra, gps Trimble, gps Thales, brunton kompas, binoculars, teropong bushnell, teropong. binoculars Nikon, teropong, binoculars hammer.kompas suunto.kompas brunton. kompas KB-14, suunto kompas KB-20, suunto altimeter, suunto cinometer, Suunto Tandem, brunton compass 5006, brunton 5008, leica distometer A3, leica distometer A3, leica distometer A5, leica distometer A6, leica distometer A8 jual ht motorola, icom, yeasu, alinco, kenwood, handy talky, alat komunikasi, radio rig Jual ht, handy talky, alat komunikasi, redio komunikasi, Motorola, alnico, kenwood, yeasu, icom: Jual ht, handy talky Motorola : motorola ats 2500, motorola gp 328, motorola gp 338, motorola gp 3188 vhf/ uhf, motorola gp 2000, motorola gp 328 Plus, motorola gp 338 Plus. motorola gp 328 vhf/ uhf.Jual ht, handy talky alinco : alnico dj-195, alnico dj-196, alnico dj-496, alnico dj-596.Jual ht, handy talky kenwood : kenwood thk-2at, Jual ht, handy talky icom-v8, icom-v82, icom ic-t90a, Jual ht, handy talky yeasu : YAESU VX 7 jual/ beli teropong, jual dgital camera/ camera digital, jual handycam binoculars / teropong nikon 7×50 (with compass), teropong/ binoculars nikon action EX 7×50, binoculars nikon 7×50 CFWP, binoculars/ teropong nikon 16×50 action extreme binoculars, binoculars / teropong nikon 10×50CF WP, teropong / nikon 7×50 action binoculars 7217 w, DIGITAL CAMERA NIKON COOLPIX L14, digital camera nikon coolpix L6, Digital camera sony dcr-hc62e, celestron-astromaster 90 EQ, celestron- powerseeker 80 EQ, sony handycam dcr-sr42e 30 GB, bushnell pinseeker 1500 laser golf, handycam sony dcr-hc28e, rangefinder nikon laser 800s, , rangefinder nikon laser 400 gps versi indonesia / gps berbahasa indonesia jual gps versi indonesia / berbahasa indonesia : gps garmin colorado 300, gpsmap 76csxi i vesrtion (versi indonesia, gps 60i, gps etrex hi, gps nuvi 200i, gps 710, fishfinder 160ci, gps 152i (marine) gps alat survey alat ukur Nikon, Sokkia, Topcon, South, Horizon, Bushnell, Brunton, Suunto, Leica, Estwing, Trimble, Magelan dan Thales. Jual GPS MAPPING/ GIS : Trimble Juno ST, Trimble GeoXT, Trimble GeoXH, GeoXM, Thales promark 3, GPS Thales mobile mapper. GPS Triton 200, GPS Triton 300, GPS Triton 400, GPS triton 500, GPS Triton 1500, GPS Triton 2000 Jual GPS Geodetik (geodetic) : South GPS star S82, GPS South 9600, Spectra EPOCH 10 L1 GPS system, Trimble GPS 5700, Trimble R8-GNSS. Jual Total Station : Total Station Nikon dtm-352 , Total Station Nikon dtm-362, Total Station Nikon dtm-532, Total Station Nikon dtm-632, Total Station Nikon dtm-652, Total Station Sokkia set-310, Total Station Sokkia set-510, Total Station set-610, Total Station Topcon gts 233n, Total Station Topcon gts 235n, Total Station Topcon gts 236n, Total Station Topcon gts 239, Total Station Horizon hts 352, Total Station Horizon 355, Total Station South. Jual Digital Theodolite : Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 100, Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 101, Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 102, Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 103, Digital Theodolite Sokkia dt 210, Digital Theodolite Sokkia dt 510, Digital Theodolite Sokkia dt 610, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 202l, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 205l, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 207l, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 209l, Digital Theodolite Horizon et 1002, Digital Theodolite Horizon et 1005, Digital Theodolite South et 02. Jual Automatic level/ Waterpass : Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ac-2s, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ax-2s, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon as-2c, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ap-8, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ap-7, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia b1c, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia b20, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia b21, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia c320, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia c330, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 1, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 3, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 4, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 6, Automatic level/ Waterpass Horizon 2028, Automatic level/ Waterpass Horizon 3032, Automatic level/ Waterpass Horizon 4032. Lainnya : Distometer Leica a3, Distometer Leica a5, Distometer Leica a6, Distometer Leica a8, Estwing E322p (palu geologi runcing), Estwing e320blc (palu geologi pipih), Suunto compass kb-14, Kompas Suunto kb-20, altimeter E-203, clinometer pm-5, Suunto tandem, brunton compass 5006, Kompas Brunton 5008, Brunton Compass 5010, Binoculars/ teropong Nikon 7×50 cfwp/ with compass, Binoculars Hunter 10×60, Loupe rouper 10×20, Eart Grounding tester, Planimeter, Magnetic pen/ Scriber. Contact : TEGUH SANJAYA Jl. GOTONG ROYONG No7 LARANGAN INDAH CILEDUG-TANGERANG Telp : 021-71443296 Telp : 021-73451275 Telp 021- 98079650 Fax : 021-73443258 e-mail : zteguh@yahoo.co.id
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CV.GEMILANG COMMUNICATION MENJUAL Alat Survey, Theodolite, Compass, GPS, Altimeter, Planimeter, Scriber, Lase, Disto Meter, Rangefinder, Binocular, Palu Geologi, Rambu Ukur : Telp 021-71443296 email : zteguh@yahoo.co.id Gps garmin, Gps Magellan, Gps Tomtom Gps Garmin, Garmin Gps, Gps murah, Jual gps, Jual gps garmin, Gps 60csx, Gps 76csx, Gps etrex vista hcx, Gps Rino 530 HCx, Gps MagellanTriton 400, Gps Magellan Triton 500, Gps Magellan Triton 1500, Gps magellan Triton 2000 gps colorado 300, Gps 76csxi, Gps Versi Indonesia, Gps murah, Garmin murah Jual Gps Garmin Handheld Gps eTrex yellow, Gps etrex h, Gps etrex Summit, Gps etrex Legend, Gps etrex legend cx, Gps etrex vista, gps etrex vista hcx, gps 60i, gpsmap 60i, gpsmap 60 cx, gpsmap 60 csx, gps 76, gpsmap 76 S, gpsmap 76 cx, gpsmap 76 csx, gps Rino 120, gps Rino 130, gps Rino 530 hcx, gps 128 Jual garmin fishfinder marine : Fishfinder 160 Ci, fishfinder 400 C jual garmin gps, Gps mobile automotiv boat, garmin gpsmap 276c, gps Quest, gps Nuvi 610, iQue m5, garmin gps bluetooth 10x, gps 152i –gpsmap 178c sounder, gps 298C sounder, gpsmap 96, gpsmap 96c, gpsmap 296c, gps 18 pc –gps 18 usb –gps 25 hvs –gps 35 pc –gps 35 usb Jual accesories gps garmin, Garmin Accessories, handlebar mount eTrex, handlebar Global, handlebar mount 60, handlebar mount 76, data cable 12/ 60/ 76, kabel data etrex, Kabel data + cirgarete lighter etrex, kabel data cirgarete lighter 12/ 60/ 76, automount etrex, automount 12, automount 60 , automount 76, marine mount 60, marine mount 76, antenna ga-25 bnc , antenna ga-25 mcx, antenna ga-26, antenna GA-27, antenna GA-29, Antenna Starnav. jual gps mapping, gps geodetik Jual gps mapping dan gps geodetick: jual gps geodetic : South gps Star S82, gps Spectra EPOCH 10 L1 gps system. South gps 9600 1 frequency jual gps mapping :gps trimble juno st, gps trimble Geoexplorer xJual gps mapping dan gps geodetick: jual gps geodetic : South gps Star S82, gps Spectra EPOCH 10 L1 gps system, South gps 9600 1 frequency jual gps mapping :gps trimble juno st, gps trimble Geoexplorer xm, gps trimble GeoExplorer xh, gps thales mobile mapper pro, gps thales proMark 3 Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic level, Waterpass GEOsurvey menjual Berbagai macam Alat ukur, Alat survey dengan Harga bersaing dan bergaransi, Jual Alat ukur, Merk yang kami pasarkan Sbb : Nikon, Sokkia, Topcon, Horizon, South, Leica, Suunto, Brunton, Estwing, Jual Digital theodolite, Digital theodolite Nikon, digital theodolite Topcon, digital theodolite sokkia, digital theodolite horizon, digital theodolite south Jual digital theodolite : digital theodolite Nikon, digital theodolite sokkia, digital theodolite Topcon, digital theodolite horizon, digital theodolite south digital theodolite topcon dt-202L, digital theodolite topcon dt-205L, digital theodolite topcon dt-207L, digital theodolite topcon dt-209L, digital theodolite Nikon NE-100, digital theodolite Nikon NE-101, digital theodolite Nikon NE-102, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-210, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-510, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-510, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-610, digital theodolite Horizon ET-1002, digital theodolite Horizon ET-1005 Kami menjual berbagai Merk Total Station : Total station Nikon, Total station Sokkia, Total station Topcon, Total station Horizon, Total station South Total station topcon GTS-233N, total station topcon GTS-235N, total station topcon GTS-236N, total station topcon GTS-239N, total station topcon GTS-105N, total station topcon Nikon DTM-522, total station nikon DTM-532, total station nikon DTM-352, total station nikon DTM-362, total station Sokkia Set-210, total station Sokkia Set-310, total station Sokkia Set-510, total station Sokkia Set-610, total station Horizon HTS-352, total station horizon HTS-355, total station horizon HTS-322, total station horizon HTS-325 Jual alat untuk mengukur ketinggian, alat ukur untuk mngengetahui beda tinggi yaitu : automatic level, waterpass Nikon, waterpass, automatic level Nikon, automatic level, waterpass Sokkia, automatic level, waterpass Topcon, automatic level, waterpass Horizon, automatic level, waterpass South automatic level, waterpassl Topcon ATG-1, automatic level, waterpass Topcon ATG-3, automatic level, waterpass Topcon ATG-4, automatic level, waterpass Topcon ATG-6, Nikon automatic level, waterpass AP-8, automatic level, waterpass Nikon AC-2S, automatic level, waterpass Nikon AX-2S, automatic level, waterpass sokkia C320 - B1, automatic level, waterpass Sokkia B20, automatic level, waterpass Sokkial C330, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 2024, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 2028, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 2032, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 4032 alat survey, surveying tools, instruments surveying, alat geologi, geologist tools jual kompas suunto : suunto compass KB-14, kompas suunto KB-14 360R, compass KB-20, kompas kb-20, suunto tandem 360PC, 360R - clinometer PM5/ 360PC, clinometers pm5/ 360pc.Jual kompas brunton 5006, kompas brunton 5008, kompas brunton 5010, compass brunton 5006, compass brunton 5008 kami juga jual : gps thales mobile mapper pro, thales promark III, palu eastwing , palu geologi (pipih/ runcing), loupe rouper , leica distometer measuring wheel, sokkia digital planimeter – anemometer, measuring tape, digital camera nikon coolpix L14, Camera digital nikon Coolpix L6, tajima slant 100, perahu karet rubber boat AVON type W 465, binocular/ teropong NIKON 7×50 (with compass), Binoculars nikon7×50 CFWP, digital planimeter kp-90N , digital grounding.tester kyoritsu.celestron powerSeeker 80 EQ, telescop, celestron -AstroMaster 90 EQ, handycam Sony DCR-HC62E, handycam Sony DCR-SR42E 30 GB, bushnell PinSeeker 1500 Laser Golf, handyCam SONY DCR-HC28E total station, theodolite, Level, binoculars, kompas, clinometer, Altimeter, suunto tandem dan Alat-alat geologi, curah hujan Nylex 1000, gps magellan, gps south, gps Leica, gps thales, Alat survey-Topcon , Horizon. nikon, sokkia, compass Suunto.kompas suunto, gps Spectra, gps Trimble, gps Thales, brunton kompas, binoculars, teropong bushnell, teropong. binoculars Nikon, teropong, binoculars hammer.kompas suunto.kompas brunton. kompas KB-14, suunto kompas KB-20, suunto altimeter, suunto cinometer, Suunto Tandem, brunton compass 5006, brunton 5008, leica distometer A3, leica distometer A3, leica distometer A5, leica distometer A6, leica distometer A8 jual ht motorola, icom, yeasu, alinco, kenwood, handy talky, alat komunikasi, radio rig Jual ht, handy talky, alat komunikasi, redio komunikasi, Motorola, alnico, kenwood, yeasu, icom: Jual ht, handy talky Motorola : motorola ats 2500, motorola gp 328, motorola gp 338, motorola gp 3188 vhf/ uhf, motorola gp 2000, motorola gp 328 Plus, motorola gp 338 Plus. motorola gp 328 vhf/ uhf.Jual ht, handy talky alinco : alnico dj-195, alnico dj-196, alnico dj-496, alnico dj-596.Jual ht, handy talky kenwood : kenwood thk-2at, Jual ht, handy talky icom-v8, icom-v82, icom ic-t90a, Jual ht, handy talky yeasu : YAESU VX 7 jual/ beli teropong, jual dgital camera/ camera digital, jual handycam binoculars / teropong nikon 7×50 (with compass), teropong/ binoculars nikon action EX 7×50, binoculars nikon 7×50 CFWP, binoculars/ teropong nikon 16×50 action extreme binoculars, binoculars / teropong nikon 10×50CF WP, teropong / nikon 7×50 action binoculars 7217 w, DIGITAL CAMERA NIKON COOLPIX L14, digital camera nikon coolpix L6, Digital camera sony dcr-hc62e, celestron-astromaster 90 EQ, celestron- powerseeker 80 EQ, sony handycam dcr-sr42e 30 GB, bushnell pinseeker 1500 laser golf, handycam sony dcr-hc28e, rangefinder nikon laser 800s, , rangefinder nikon laser 400 gps versi indonesia / gps berbahasa indonesia jual gps versi indonesia / berbahasa indonesia : gps garmin colorado 300, gpsmap 76csxi i vesrtion (versi indonesia, gps 60i, gps etrex hi, gps nuvi 200i, gps 710, fishfinder 160ci, gps 152i (marine) gps alat survey alat ukur Nikon, Sokkia, Topcon, South, Horizon, Bushnell, Brunton, Suunto, Leica, Estwing, Trimble, Magelan dan Thales. Jual GPS MAPPING/ GIS : Trimble Juno ST, Trimble GeoXT, Trimble GeoXH, GeoXM, Thales promark 3, GPS Thales mobile mapper. GPS Triton 200, GPS Triton 300, GPS Triton 400, GPS triton 500, GPS Triton 1500, GPS Triton 2000 Jual GPS Geodetik (geodetic) : South GPS star S82, GPS South 9600, Spectra EPOCH 10 L1 GPS system, Trimble GPS 5700, Trimble R8-GNSS. Jual Total Station : Total Station Nikon dtm-352 , Total Station Nikon dtm-362, Total Station Nikon dtm-532, Total Station Nikon dtm-632, Total Station Nikon dtm-652, Total Station Sokkia set-310, Total Station Sokkia set-510, Total Station set-610, Total Station Topcon gts 233n, Total Station Topcon gts 235n, Total Station Topcon gts 236n, Total Station Topcon gts 239, Total Station Horizon hts 352, Total Station Horizon 355, Total Station South. Jual Digital Theodolite : Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 100, Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 101, Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 102, Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 103, Digital Theodolite Sokkia dt 210, Digital Theodolite Sokkia dt 510, Digital Theodolite Sokkia dt 610, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 202l, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 205l, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 207l, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 209l, Digital Theodolite Horizon et 1002, Digital Theodolite Horizon et 1005, Digital Theodolite South et 02. Jual Automatic level/ Waterpass : Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ac-2s, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ax-2s, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon as-2c, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ap-8, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ap-7, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia b1c, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia b20, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia b21, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia c320, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia c330, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 1, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 3, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 4, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 6, Automatic level/ Waterpass Horizon 2028, Automatic level/ Waterpass Horizon 3032, Automatic level/ Waterpass Horizon 4032. Lainnya : Distometer Leica a3, Distometer Leica a5, Distometer Leica a6, Distometer Leica a8, Estwing E322p (palu geologi runcing), Estwing e320blc (palu geologi pipih), Suunto compass kb-14, Kompas Suunto kb-20, altimeter E-203, clinometer pm-5, Suunto tandem, brunton compass 5006, Kompas Brunton 5008, Brunton Compass 5010, Binoculars/ teropong Nikon 7×50 cfwp/ with compass, Binoculars Hunter 10×60, Loupe rouper 10×20, Eart Grounding tester, Planimeter, Magnetic pen/ Scriber. Contact : TEGUH SANJAYA Jl. GOTONG ROYONG No7 LARANGAN INDAH CILEDUG-TANGERANG Telp : 021-71443296 Telp : 021-73451275 Telp 021- 98079650 Fax : 021-73443258 e-mail : zteguh@yahoo.co.id
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CV.GEMILANG COMMUNICATION MENJUAL Alat Survey, Theodolite, Compass, GPS, Altimeter, Planimeter, Scriber, Lase, Disto Meter, Rangefinder, Binocular, Palu Geologi, Rambu Ukur : Telp 021-71443296 email : zteguh@yahoo.co.id Gps garmin, Gps Magellan, Gps Tomtom Gps Garmin, Garmin Gps, Gps murah, Jual gps, Jual gps garmin, Gps 60csx, Gps 76csx, Gps etrex vista hcx, Gps Rino 530 HCx, Gps MagellanTriton 400, Gps Magellan Triton 500, Gps Magellan Triton 1500, Gps magellan Triton 2000 gps colorado 300, Gps 76csxi, Gps Versi Indonesia, Gps murah, Garmin murah Jual Gps Garmin Handheld Gps eTrex yellow, Gps etrex h, Gps etrex Summit, Gps etrex Legend, Gps etrex legend cx, Gps etrex vista, gps etrex vista hcx, gps 60i, gpsmap 60i, gpsmap 60 cx, gpsmap 60 csx, gps 76, gpsmap 76 S, gpsmap 76 cx, gpsmap 76 csx, gps Rino 120, gps Rino 130, gps Rino 530 hcx, gps 128 Jual garmin fishfinder marine : Fishfinder 160 Ci, fishfinder 400 C jual garmin gps, Gps mobile automotiv boat, garmin gpsmap 276c, gps Quest, gps Nuvi 610, iQue m5, garmin gps bluetooth 10x, gps 152i –gpsmap 178c sounder, gps 298C sounder, gpsmap 96, gpsmap 96c, gpsmap 296c, gps 18 pc –gps 18 usb –gps 25 hvs –gps 35 pc –gps 35 usb Jual accesories gps garmin, Garmin Accessories, handlebar mount eTrex, handlebar Global, handlebar mount 60, handlebar mount 76, data cable 12/ 60/ 76, kabel data etrex, Kabel data + cirgarete lighter etrex, kabel data cirgarete lighter 12/ 60/ 76, automount etrex, automount 12, automount 60 , automount 76, marine mount 60, marine mount 76, antenna ga-25 bnc , antenna ga-25 mcx, antenna ga-26, antenna GA-27, antenna GA-29, Antenna Starnav. jual gps mapping, gps geodetik Jual gps mapping dan gps geodetick: jual gps geodetic : South gps Star S82, gps Spectra EPOCH 10 L1 gps system. South gps 9600 1 frequency jual gps mapping :gps trimble juno st, gps trimble Geoexplorer xJual gps mapping dan gps geodetick: jual gps geodetic : South gps Star S82, gps Spectra EPOCH 10 L1 gps system, South gps 9600 1 frequency jual gps mapping :gps trimble juno st, gps trimble Geoexplorer xm, gps trimble GeoExplorer xh, gps thales mobile mapper pro, gps thales proMark 3 Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic level, Waterpass GEOsurvey menjual Berbagai macam Alat ukur, Alat survey dengan Harga bersaing dan bergaransi, Jual Alat ukur, Merk yang kami pasarkan Sbb : Nikon, Sokkia, Topcon, Horizon, South, Leica, Suunto, Brunton, Estwing, Jual Digital theodolite, Digital theodolite Nikon, digital theodolite Topcon, digital theodolite sokkia, digital theodolite horizon, digital theodolite south Jual digital theodolite : digital theodolite Nikon, digital theodolite sokkia, digital theodolite Topcon, digital theodolite horizon, digital theodolite south digital theodolite topcon dt-202L, digital theodolite topcon dt-205L, digital theodolite topcon dt-207L, digital theodolite topcon dt-209L, digital theodolite Nikon NE-100, digital theodolite Nikon NE-101, digital theodolite Nikon NE-102, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-210, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-510, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-510, digital theodolite Sokkia DT-610, digital theodolite Horizon ET-1002, digital theodolite Horizon ET-1005 Kami menjual berbagai Merk Total Station : Total station Nikon, Total station Sokkia, Total station Topcon, Total station Horizon, Total station South Total station topcon GTS-233N, total station topcon GTS-235N, total station topcon GTS-236N, total station topcon GTS-239N, total station topcon GTS-105N, total station topcon Nikon DTM-522, total station nikon DTM-532, total station nikon DTM-352, total station nikon DTM-362, total station Sokkia Set-210, total station Sokkia Set-310, total station Sokkia Set-510, total station Sokkia Set-610, total station Horizon HTS-352, total station horizon HTS-355, total station horizon HTS-322, total station horizon HTS-325 Jual alat untuk mengukur ketinggian, alat ukur untuk mngengetahui beda tinggi yaitu : automatic level, waterpass Nikon, waterpass, automatic level Nikon, automatic level, waterpass Sokkia, automatic level, waterpass Topcon, automatic level, waterpass Horizon, automatic level, waterpass South automatic level, waterpassl Topcon ATG-1, automatic level, waterpass Topcon ATG-3, automatic level, waterpass Topcon ATG-4, automatic level, waterpass Topcon ATG-6, Nikon automatic level, waterpass AP-8, automatic level, waterpass Nikon AC-2S, automatic level, waterpass Nikon AX-2S, automatic level, waterpass sokkia C320 - B1, automatic level, waterpass Sokkia B20, automatic level, waterpass Sokkial C330, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 2024, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 2028, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 2032, automatic level, waterpass Horizon 4032 alat survey, surveying tools, instruments surveying, alat geologi, geologist tools jual kompas suunto : suunto compass KB-14, kompas suunto KB-14 360R, compass KB-20, kompas kb-20, suunto tandem 360PC, 360R - clinometer PM5/ 360PC, clinometers pm5/ 360pc.Jual kompas brunton 5006, kompas brunton 5008, kompas brunton 5010, compass brunton 5006, compass brunton 5008 kami juga jual : gps thales mobile mapper pro, thales promark III, palu eastwing , palu geologi (pipih/ runcing), loupe rouper , leica distometer measuring wheel, sokkia digital planimeter – anemometer, measuring tape, digital camera nikon coolpix L14, Camera digital nikon Coolpix L6, tajima slant 100, perahu karet rubber boat AVON type W 465, binocular/ teropong NIKON 7×50 (with compass), Binoculars nikon7×50 CFWP, digital planimeter kp-90N , digital grounding.tester kyoritsu.celestron powerSeeker 80 EQ, telescop, celestron -AstroMaster 90 EQ, handycam Sony DCR-HC62E, handycam Sony DCR-SR42E 30 GB, bushnell PinSeeker 1500 Laser Golf, handyCam SONY DCR-HC28E total station, theodolite, Level, binoculars, kompas, clinometer, Altimeter, suunto tandem dan Alat-alat geologi, curah hujan Nylex 1000, gps magellan, gps south, gps Leica, gps thales, Alat survey-Topcon , Horizon. nikon, sokkia, compass Suunto.kompas suunto, gps Spectra, gps Trimble, gps Thales, brunton kompas, binoculars, teropong bushnell, teropong. binoculars Nikon, teropong, binoculars hammer.kompas suunto.kompas brunton. kompas KB-14, suunto kompas KB-20, suunto altimeter, suunto cinometer, Suunto Tandem, brunton compass 5006, brunton 5008, leica distometer A3, leica distometer A3, leica distometer A5, leica distometer A6, leica distometer A8 jual ht motorola, icom, yeasu, alinco, kenwood, handy talky, alat komunikasi, radio rig Jual ht, handy talky, alat komunikasi, redio komunikasi, Motorola, alnico, kenwood, yeasu, icom: Jual ht, handy talky Motorola : motorola ats 2500, motorola gp 328, motorola gp 338, motorola gp 3188 vhf/ uhf, motorola gp 2000, motorola gp 328 Plus, motorola gp 338 Plus. motorola gp 328 vhf/ uhf.Jual ht, handy talky alinco : alnico dj-195, alnico dj-196, alnico dj-496, alnico dj-596.Jual ht, handy talky kenwood : kenwood thk-2at, Jual ht, handy talky icom-v8, icom-v82, icom ic-t90a, Jual ht, handy talky yeasu : YAESU VX 7 jual/ beli teropong, jual dgital camera/ camera digital, jual handycam binoculars / teropong nikon 7×50 (with compass), teropong/ binoculars nikon action EX 7×50, binoculars nikon 7×50 CFWP, binoculars/ teropong nikon 16×50 action extreme binoculars, binoculars / teropong nikon 10×50CF WP, teropong / nikon 7×50 action binoculars 7217 w, DIGITAL CAMERA NIKON COOLPIX L14, digital camera nikon coolpix L6, Digital camera sony dcr-hc62e, celestron-astromaster 90 EQ, celestron- powerseeker 80 EQ, sony handycam dcr-sr42e 30 GB, bushnell pinseeker 1500 laser golf, handycam sony dcr-hc28e, rangefinder nikon laser 800s, , rangefinder nikon laser 400 gps versi indonesia / gps berbahasa indonesia jual gps versi indonesia / berbahasa indonesia : gps garmin colorado 300, gpsmap 76csxi i vesrtion (versi indonesia, gps 60i, gps etrex hi, gps nuvi 200i, gps 710, fishfinder 160ci, gps 152i (marine) gps alat survey alat ukur Nikon, Sokkia, Topcon, South, Horizon, Bushnell, Brunton, Suunto, Leica, Estwing, Trimble, Magelan dan Thales. Jual GPS MAPPING/ GIS : Trimble Juno ST, Trimble GeoXT, Trimble GeoXH, GeoXM, Thales promark 3, GPS Thales mobile mapper. GPS Triton 200, GPS Triton 300, GPS Triton 400, GPS triton 500, GPS Triton 1500, GPS Triton 2000 Jual GPS Geodetik (geodetic) : South GPS star S82, GPS South 9600, Spectra EPOCH 10 L1 GPS system, Trimble GPS 5700, Trimble R8-GNSS. Jual Total Station : Total Station Nikon dtm-352 , Total Station Nikon dtm-362, Total Station Nikon dtm-532, Total Station Nikon dtm-632, Total Station Nikon dtm-652, Total Station Sokkia set-310, Total Station Sokkia set-510, Total Station set-610, Total Station Topcon gts 233n, Total Station Topcon gts 235n, Total Station Topcon gts 236n, Total Station Topcon gts 239, Total Station Horizon hts 352, Total Station Horizon 355, Total Station South. Jual Digital Theodolite : Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 100, Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 101, Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 102, Digital Theodolite Nikon ne 103, Digital Theodolite Sokkia dt 210, Digital Theodolite Sokkia dt 510, Digital Theodolite Sokkia dt 610, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 202l, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 205l, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 207l, Digital Theodolite Topcon dt 209l, Digital Theodolite Horizon et 1002, Digital Theodolite Horizon et 1005, Digital Theodolite South et 02. Jual Automatic level/ Waterpass : Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ac-2s, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ax-2s, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon as-2c, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ap-8, Automatic level/ Waterpass Nikon ap-7, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia b1c, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia b20, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia b21, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia c320, Automatic level/ Waterpass Sokkia c330, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 1, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 3, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 4, Automatic level/ Waterpass Topcon atg 6, Automatic level/ Waterpass Horizon 2028, Automatic level/ Waterpass Horizon 3032, Automatic level/ Waterpass Horizon 4032. Lainnya : Distometer Leica a3, Distometer Leica a5, Distometer Leica a6, Distometer Leica a8, Estwing E322p (palu geologi runcing), Estwing e320blc (palu geologi pipih), Suunto compass kb-14, Kompas Suunto kb-20, altimeter E-203, clinometer pm-5, Suunto tandem, brunton compass 5006, Kompas Brunton 5008, Brunton Compass 5010, Binoculars/ teropong Nikon 7×50 cfwp/ with compass, Binoculars Hunter 10×60, Loupe rouper 10×20, Eart Grounding tester, Planimeter, Magnetic pen/ Scriber. Contact : TEGUH SANJAYA Jl. GOTONG ROYONG No7 LARANGAN INDAH CILEDUG-TANGERANG Telp : 021-71443296 Telp : 021-73451275 Telp 021- 98079650 Fax : 021-73443258 e-mail : zteguh@yahoo.co.id
Posting oleh iklan baris gratis ke iklan gratis pada 12/09/2008 08:26:00 PM
Posting oleh iklan baris gratis ke iklan pada 12/09/2008 08:26:00 PM
Posting oleh iklan baris gratis ke iklan gratis pada 12/09/2008 08:26:00 PM
Posting oleh iklan baris gratis ke iklan pada 12/09/2008 08:26:00 PM
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[iklan] [iklan gratis] [Ads] New: SUUNTO COMPASS KB-14...CALL : IWAN RIDWAN.0...
Kami CV.GEMILANG COMMUNICATION merupakan supplier/dealer garmin resmi di Indonesia dengan cara reseller dan retailer. Tipe-tipe yang tersedia adalah : Handheld, Mobile, Automotive, Marine, Aviation, Radar, dan Peta INDONESIA + EROPA Tipe-tipe yang sangat sering digunakan adalah sebagai berikut : GPS 60i, eTrex Vista Cx, eTrex Legend Cx, GPSMap 76 CSx , GPSMAP 60 CSx, GPS 10x, Nuvi 610, GPS 128, Fishfinfer 400, GPSMap 296 C, GPSMAP 276 C, dan masih banyak lagi. Promotion Edition : GARMIN GPSMAP 60CSx, GARMIN GPSMAP 76CSx, GARMIN GPS eTrex VISTA HCx Free : Micro SD 1 GB , Peta JAWA-BALI, Carrying Case, Jasa antar(Jakarta)!!!!!!!!! PASTIKAN GARMIN YANG ANDA BELI BERGARANSI RESMI ! JANGAN SAMPAI ANDA SALAH PILIH!!! Harga jual kami bersaing & BEBAS BIAYA KIRIM (JAKARTA), dijamin ! Hubungi kami IWAN RIDWAN NO.TLP : 021-73451275/081318095356 NO.FAX : 021-73445138 EMAIL : kmnzl@yahoo.co.id ALAMAT : JL.GOTONG ROYONG NO.7 KREO LARANGAN INDAH CILEDUG TANGGERANG 15154
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Posting oleh iklan baris gratis ke iklan pada 12/09/2008 06:41:00 PM
[iklan] [iklan gratis] [Ads] New: GARMIN GPSMAP 60CSX...CALL : IWAN.R...08131...
Kami CV.GEMILANG COMMUNICATION merupakan supplier/dealer garmin resmi di Indonesia dengan cara reseller dan retailer. Tipe-tipe yang tersedia adalah : Handheld, Mobile, Automotive, Marine, Aviation, Radar, dan Peta INDONESIA + EROPA Tipe-tipe yang sangat sering digunakan adalah sebagai berikut : GPS 60i, eTrex Vista Cx, eTrex Legend Cx, GPSMap 76 CSx , GPSMAP 60 CSx, GPS 10x, Nuvi 610, GPS 128, Fishfinfer 400, GPSMap 296 C, GPSMAP 276 C, dan masih banyak lagi. Promotion Edition : GARMIN GPSMAP 60CSx, GARMIN GPSMAP 76CSx, GARMIN GPS eTrex VISTA HCx Free : Micro SD 1 GB , Peta JAWA-BALI, Carrying Case, Jasa antar(Jakarta)!!!!!!!!! PASTIKAN GARMIN YANG ANDA BELI BERGARANSI RESMI ! JANGAN SAMPAI ANDA SALAH PILIH!!! Harga jual kami bersaing & BEBAS BIAYA KIRIM (JAKARTA), dijamin ! Hubungi kami IWAN RIDWAN NO.TLP : 021-73451275/081318095356 NO.FAX : 021-73445138 EMAIL : kmnzl@yahoo.co.id ALAMAT : JL.GOTONG ROYONG NO.7 KREO LARANGAN INDAH CILEDUG TANGGERANG 15154
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Posting oleh iklan baris gratis ke iklan pada 12/09/2008 06:37:00 PM
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Posting oleh iklan baris gratis ke iklan pada 12/09/2008 06:37:00 PM
[iklan] [iklan gratis] [Ads] New: SATELITE PHONE ISATPHONE...CALL : IWAN RIDW...
Kami CV.GEMILANG COMMUNICATION merupakan supplier/dealer garmin resmi di Indonesia dengan cara reseller dan retailer. Tipe-tipe yang tersedia adalah : Handheld, Mobile, Automotive, Marine, Aviation, Radar, dan Peta INDONESIA + EROPA Tipe-tipe yang sangat sering digunakan adalah sebagai berikut : GPS 60i, eTrex Vista Cx, eTrex Legend Cx, GPSMap 76 CSx , GPSMAP 60 CSx, GPS 10x, Nuvi 610, GPS 128, Fishfinfer 400, GPSMap 296 C, GPSMAP 276 C, dan masih banyak lagi. Promotion Edition : GARMIN GPSMAP 60CSx, GARMIN GPSMAP 76CSx, GARMIN GPS eTrex VISTA HCx Free : Micro SD 1 GB , Peta JAWA-BALI, Carrying Case, Jasa antar(Jakarta)!!!!!!!!! PASTIKAN GARMIN YANG ANDA BELI BERGARANSI RESMI ! JANGAN SAMPAI ANDA SALAH PILIH!!! Harga jual kami bersaing & BEBAS BIAYA KIRIM (JAKARTA), dijamin ! Hubungi kami IWAN RIDWAN NO.TLP : 021-73451275/081318095356 NO.FAX : 021-73445138 EMAIL : kmnzl@yahoo.co.id ALAMAT : JL.GOTONG ROYONG NO.7 KREO LARANGAN INDAH CILEDUG TANGGERANG 15154
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Menerima pemesanan pin/bros dengan harga murah Jakarta tepatnya tanjung priok Hub : Parjie 085216050600 Harga boleh diadu Desain untuk partai, ulang tahun, pernikahan, acara sosial dan lain-lain Hub : parjie 085216050600 Harga boleh diadu dikarjakan sendiri
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